Visit the pine forest near the 14-acre town to play and learn about animals
Exciting Experience With Zoomanji
Zoomanji is a unique tour that combines the concept of a zoo and Dago Dreampark adventure area. Located on Jl. Dago Giri KM 2.2 Mekarwangi, Lembang.
Sugar Glider
Fennec Fox
Get ready for adventure and play with the more than 40 animals and rides that inhabit our lush pine forest.
Experience the splendour of the wild forest
Zoomanji Bandung
Zoomanji Bandung
Burung Hantu
Zoomanji Bandung
Fennec Fox
Zoomanji Bandung
Zoomanji Bandung
Step into 14 hectares of pine forest that mimics a tropical rainforest habitat.
Zoomanji Bandung
Pacman Frog
Zoomanji Bandung
Flying squirrels
Zoomanji Bandung
Musang Lokal
Zoomanji Bandung
Bearded Dragon
Zoomanji Bandung
Explore various kinds of insects in Zoomanji
Belalang Sembah
Zoomanji Bandung
Kumbang Tanduk / Bangbung
Zoomanji Bandung
Seranggga Bentuk Daun
Zoomanji Bandung
Kelabang / Lipan
Zoomanji Bandung
Zoomanji Bandung
Zoomanji Bandung
Want to see more of our animals and zones?
A place to learn and play with full experience
We offer a variety of educational activities that can be booked for school groups, office groups and also community groups. In addition, you can enjoy various kinds of animals accompanied by beautiful pine forests. Our location also has many rides for games and places to eat which will certainly add to the excitement of your vacation.
Enjoy a day of family-fun with wild adventures
Interaction With Animals
Enjoy direct interaction with our animals accompanied by experienced keepers
Close To Animals
You can get closer to the animals at Zoomanji, of course accompanied by an experienced keepers
Feed The Animals
Catch our animals when they are most active during the feeding session. Listen to the directions from our keepers
Have a fun day with the family with an adventure at zoomanji
Belalang Sembah
Hewan dengan nama latin Mantis religiosa ini cukup terkenal, dengan bentuk tubuh yang khas.
Yuk Cari Tahu!
Yuk Cari Tahu!
Kumbang Tanduk
Jenis kumbang badak yang tersebar luas di Asia Tenggara, ke timur sampai pulau Irian, ke utara sampai pulau Formosa.
Yuk Cari Tahu!
Yuk Cari Tahu!
Bearded Dragon
Kadal yang berasal dari Australia. Di alam liar, mereka lebih suka berkeliaran di padang pasir, hutan, dan daerah sabana.
Yuk Cari Tahu!
Yuk Cari Tahu!
Karena memiliki kemampuan adaptasi yang tinggi, gecko mudah ditemukan di seluruh dunia.
Cari Tahu Yuk!
Cari Tahu Yuk!
Frequently Asked Question
The Excitement of Learning and Playing at Zoomanji
Dimana Alamat Zoomanji Bandung?
Kami Berada Di Kawasan Dago Dreampark Yaitu Jl. Dago Giri KM 2.2 Mekarwangi Lembang Bandung. Dari Arah Terminal Dago Bandung Lurus Ke Arah Jl. Jajaway sekitar 2KM
Dimana Saya Bisa Membeli Tiket?
Berapa Harga Tiket Masuk?
Jam Operasional?
Apakah Tersedia Paket Rombongan?
Apakah Bisa Memberi Makan Hewan?
Apakah Terdapat Pembelian Souvenir?